18th Canadian Symposium | February 28-March 2, 2025
You are invited to submit a proposal to present a paper.
* The deadline for abstracts/proposals is Monday, 18th November, 2024.
*Please read the Proposal Requirements and and Proceedings Requirements below before submitting your proposal.
INFORMATION For presenters - 2025
Proposal Requirements
A proposal is to include the following:
Title of presentation
Statement of purpose, main findings, arguments, or points made
References if appropriate
250-300 word limit
Contact details: mail, e-mail, & phone
You will be informed of the acceptance of your proposal ASAP, no later than December 1st, 2024.
If your proposal is accepted, you are required to:
Register for the Symposium
Agree to present in person
Submit a copy of your paper for publication in the Conference Proceedings.
Publication options | You have two options for publication – either in the peer-reviewed proceedings or the non-peer-reviewed proceedings.
Proceedings Requirements
Submitting your paper to the XVIII Symposium Proceedings
Your paper needs to be:
formatted as: .doc or docx format, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, min 2 cm margins;
fully referenced using APA style;
word limit, a maximum of 4000 including references
clearly identified as for peer-review OR non-peer-review;
author/s detail/s: name, affiliations, contact, email;
submitted to the symposium committee by April 3, 2025.
The Proceedings from past Symposia are available at
Please review these for guidance about topic selection and writing format. APA reference-style is required.